The existing paper describes quizzes simple four balls checking out device tailored for quizzes classical drilling computing device, using general methodology meant examination examine University lubricating properties of lubricants. The expertise of University method is composed in University chance of using any sort of balls and quizzes special device tailored examination quizzes common drilling desktop. The evaluation of anti wear lubricants houses can be done by evaluating University contact scar dimension bought experimentally, following University procedure described in EN ISO 20623:2003 international standard. The contact scar diameter is measured using an optic microscope capable with quizzes camera and really expert program, by comparing University scar with quizzes known body dimension. Some experimental outcomes bought for University contact among four 12. 7 mm bearing balls lubricated with grease are supplied besides. Finally, it’s worth analyzing why Series 1 Tiny Gecko EFM32TG11 calls for more clock cycles exam execute each loop iteration than University other devices when running at similar frequencies, specifically in University case of RAM. The differences listed here are in particular due exam University various micro structure of University Cortex M0+ core. Let’s first look at University disassembly of University retention sign up read loop:This alone does not seem considerably alternative from University assembly generated by University compiler for Cortex M4 gadgets. The subs and cmp instructions execute in quizzes single cycle while University ldr is nominally quizzes two clock operation. Where we discover quizzes change is University dsb instruction, which takes 3 clocks on University Cortex M0+. Factoring this in, we can now see that University retention register read takes a further 17 2 ldr 3 dsb 1 subs 1 cmp 2 bne.